Patient welfare is a top priority for NashBio and as such, we are committed to transparency in our practices and ensuring the protection of patient data. NashBio, VUMC, and BioVU® regularly engage experts in ethics, science and research, operations, data security and patient advocacy, among others, to ensure the accessibility and transparency of our information and to inform engagement with all stakeholders, including patients.
Smarter data that prioritizes patient data privacy

How We Protect Patient Privacy
Consent for Healthcare Services: The check-in process at VUMC clinical facilities includes presenting each patient with the Consent for Healthcare Services form, which consents to use of patient clinical data for research purposes.
BioVU® Consent: The check-in process at VUMC outpatient facilities includes presenting patients with the BioVU Consent, which is opt-in and consents to the use of patient data and biospecimens being contributed to BioVU. Participants may withdraw consent at any time if they choose.
Patient data and linked biospecimens are anonymized prior to research. Data de-identification is performed using the HIPAA Safe Harbor standards (data is stripped of the 18 types of identifiers).
The Vanderbilt Institutional Review Board (IRB) oversees BioVU® and NashBio research. Each NashBio customer project is submitted to the IRB for approval.
Community engagement
VUMC takes multiple steps to inform its patients about BioVU® activities and how samples and data in the repository are used to maintain transparency.
Participant education and outreach activities include informational posters and educational brochures in patient waiting areas at VUMC medical facilities, patient focus groups, newspaper publications regarding BioVU, information about BioVU on its website and in its publication, the VUMC Reporter. BioVU receives ongoing and regular input from a community advisory board, which seeks to ensure community involvement and input into the design and function of the biobank.
Consent for Healthcare Services: The check-in process at VUMC clinical facilities includes presenting each patient with the Consent for Healthcare Services form, which consents to use of patient clinical data for research purposes.
BioVU® Consent: The check-in process at VUMC outpatient facilities includes presenting patients with the BioVU® Consent, which is opt-in and consents to the use of patient data and biospecimens being contributed to BioVU®. Participants may withdraw consent at any time if they choose.
Patient data and linked biospecimens are anonymized prior to research. Data de-identification is performed using the HIPAA Safe Harbor standards (data is stripped of the 18 types of identifiers).
The Vanderbilt Institutional Review Board (IRB) oversees BioVU® and NashBio research. Each NashBio customer project is submitted to the IRB for approval.
Community engagement
VUMC takes multiple steps to inform its patients about BioVU® activities and how samples and data in the repository are used to maintain transparency.
Participant education and outreach activities include informational posters and educational brochures in patient waiting areas at VUMC medical facilities, patient focus groups, newspaper publications regarding BioVU®, information about BioVU® on its website and in its publication, the VUMC Reporter.BioVU® receives ongoing and regular input from a community advisory board, which seeks to ensure community involvement and input into the design and function of the biobank.