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Improving AI-guided clinical decision support

Improving AI-guided clinical decision support


NashBio can improve clinical decision support tools and other healthcare products using AI trained on our real-world dataset, which contains abundant numbers of patient notes, images, electronic health records, and enriched phenotypes.


Clinical decision support tools bring order to documentation and data in a patient’s electronic health record (EHR), which enables clinicians to work efficiently and improve patient outcomes. Such tools are particularly important for oncology patients, where time is critical and their care typically requires visits to multiple specialists who need to effectively communicate with one another. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will be used to enhance clinical decision support tools and protocols, especially for unstructured clinical notes and medical images. 

One major challenge to developing these tools is they require datasets with large amounts of patients with specific diseases, as well as longitudinal EHRs, notes, and imaging data for training.

At a Glance


new cancer patients per year


patients with imaging data


prostate cancer patients

Data from

NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center

Our Impact

NashBio’s robust real-world data, coupled with our industry expertise, allow us to effectively guide clients to develop AI and ML tools that improve clinical decisions. For the case of oncology patients, our dataset is enriched in participants with different types of cancers and information related to pathological and clinical staging. 

Our clinical and technical teams can work with clients to define cohorts that are ideal for training and then provide unstructured notes, images, and EHR data for AI and ML tool development. NashBio’s vast amount of images and notes makes our dataset ideal to leverage for AI studies. 

Overall, we expect to significantly improve clinical decision making as well as other areas of healthcare that use AI and ML tools developed with our data.

Nashbio Differentiators

Curated Real World Data

Enriched Phenotypes

Industry Experts

Our Impact

NashBio’s robust real-world data, coupled with our industry expertise, allow us to effectively guide clients to develop AI and ML tools that improve clinical decisions. For the case of oncology patients, our dataset is enriched in participants with different types of cancers and information related to pathological and clinical staging. 

Our clinical and technical teams can work with clients to define cohorts that are ideal for training and then provide unstructured notes, images, and EHR data for AI and ML tool development. NashBio’s vast amount of images and notes makes our dataset ideal to leverage for AI studies. 

Overall, we expect to significantly improve clinical decision making as well as other areas of healthcare that use AI and ML tools developed with our data.

Nashbio Differentiators

Curated Real World Data

Enriched Phenotypes

Industry Experts

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